Effective September 1, 2016, the Kansas Supreme Court replaced the prior Administrative Order 284 with a new A.O. 287, updating the Kansas Child Support Guidelines. However, the only change made was to correct a typographical error in the Equal Parenting Time Worksheet on page 90, in which the percentages shown on the EPT Worksheet did not match the percentages shown in the directions for calculating the Equal Parenting Time Formula. No update to The Kansas Support Assistant is required, however, because our expert programmer/attorney/website designer/marketing person/chief bottle washer, when programming the changes to update the software to A.O. 284, noticed the typo in the EPT Worksheet shown on page 90, and corrected it. As a result, the Kansas Support Assistant does not need an update for A.O. 287, because the EPT Worksheet generated by the software for the 2016 Kansas Worksheet has always been correct and in accordance with the written directions.
There will be an update coming [EDIT: now available] which will, in addition to updating the Missouri side of the program, update the Kansas side. The only necessary changes, however, are to update the directions to show A.O. 287 rather than 284, and an update to the latest numbers used to calculate the Interstate Pay Differential.